
  • Phone Plans: Six Factors You Need to Consider

    Nowadays, everyone has a cell phone. With so many carriers and plans to choose from, no one could point out which one is the best of all. However, we can figure out which phone or plan suits our needs best, based on six factors including coverage, speed, usage, international...
  • Recommendations To Avoid Vulnerable Passwords

    Nowadays, more and more people spend their time on the internet. The number of the passwords of emails accounts, social networks, bank accounts and online shops has also been rapidly growing. The password security and management really matter. Recalling the login details we need on a daily basis is a...
  • 5 Best Apps to Help Form Good Habits

    Most of us have downloaded habit-forming apps with the best of intentions. Unfortunately, good intentions don’t equal self-improvement, and now those apps are just taking up space on our phones. If you only get things done when you’re forced, here are 10 apps that have found creative ways to...
  • 8 Tools To Help Your Small Business Think And Act Big!

    Congratulations on starting your own business! Now that the hard part is done, you probably need some personal loans to fund your business. There are some great places to get a personal loan (even personal loans with no questions asked) but you probably want to keep debt as low as...
  • 4 Steps to Email Marketing Success

    Beginning an email marketing campaign is one of the best things you can do for your business. Following a set of standard practices can assist you in running a campaign that will increase subscribers and generate more revenue. Email marketing provides maximum return for a minimum investment. Step 1:...
  • Compare Top Password Managers

    We have found top-rated password management tools available on windows, ios, android to secure password and private information, to ensure a safe environment when reset your password or recover a forgotten password. A password manager is the first step in protecting your personal info and key codes when surfing online,...
  • Comparison of Cell phone plans

    Cell phones can quickly become expensive, especially when you start to exceed your allotted time and data. Fortunately, there are ways to take advantage of your cellular minutes or movement data as long as you can access wireless networks. On the needs of data, three types of phone plans are compared...
  • How to Choose the Best Password Manager

    Still using 123456, pet names, iloveyou, or your birthday as universal passwords? Are you kidding? Or are you using the same password for all accounts on the internet? You are actually heading toward troubles. Password is everywhere and we use it for many times a day. You need a...