Looking for the colitis diet that’s right for you? There’s no one-size-fits-all eating plan for colitis, but certain foods pack a nutritional punch without irritating your digestive tract. With so many potential dietary triggers, it can be difficult for a person with ulcerative colitis to know what is safe to eat. Today we shall talk about dieting plans and suitable foods to relieve pain and discomfort of colitis.
Bananas are also a good food choice if you have colitis. They are neutral in flavor and contain healthy carbohydrates, which aid digestion. Bananas are also part of the BRAT diet — bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast — which is traditionally used to treat stomach inflammation and other digestive issues.
Pomegranate reduces intestinal inflammation and enriches the blood. Its use is particularly indicated in the following cases:
Intestinal disorders. The pomegranate is suitable in cases of infectious diarrhea caused by gastroenteritis or colitis because of its astringent and anti-inflammatory action on the digestive tract. It is also beneficial in cases of flatulence or intestinal cramps. Surprising results have been achieved in chronic cases such as ulcerative colitis or granulomatous colitis.
Grape is characterized by its abundant polyphenolic compounds known for their anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects, which can ameliorate colitis, increasing colonic goblet cell numbers and decreasing myeloperoxidase levels in the large intestine.
Colitis affects your colon, not your stomach, but it also can involve the development of sores. Tangerines are rich in antioxidants and vitamins. But new research shows that tangerine fiber is also important and can alleviate and protect against intestinal inflammations, such as ulcerative colitis.
Bioactive compounds from mango are bioavailable and their anti-inflammatory efficacy has been demonstrated in animals and humans. Polyphenolics derived from fruits and vegetables are considered natural anti-inflammatory compounds acting through the induction of antioxidant defense systems. Mango is rich in polyphenols, including gallic acid, galloyl derivatives, flavonol glycosides, and benzophenone, that exhibit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in several cell types, which might be relevant as preventive agents in colitis. We can determine the clinical relevance of mango as an adjuvant treatment to conventional therapy in inflammatory bowel disease.
Avocado could successfully be used to reduce inflammation caused by white blood cells. These are rich in nutrients and considered a good food choice for people with ulcerative colitis.