
  • 9 Things That are Increasing Your Risk of Early Menopause

    There is no crystal ball or DNA test to predict when menopause will hit, though your best bet would be to look at exactly when your mother or older sisters first experienced their own menopause. “Family history is often the best predictor,” states Mary Jane Minkin, a clinical doctor...
  • Diabetes While Going Through Menopause

    If you have diabetes and are going through menopause, you need to understand the symptoms of both as they can be not only challenging but have serious side effects on your overall quality of life. Menopause is when a woman ceases to menstruate. On average, the symptoms of menopause can start...
  • How Safe Are Low-Carb Diets?

    If you would like to lose a little weight in time for summer, you might be wondering how safe low carb diets really are. There are lots of diets out there, some making extremely strong cases about the amount of weight you could lose, and how rapidly you can...
  • How to Prevent a Hernia

    Hernias occur when an organ is able to push through a gap in the muscles that hold it in place. While many hernias are painless and are typically not dangerous, they do require surgery to correct. For this reason, it’s best to try and prevent them before they happen....