Oral cancer can form anywhere in the mouth. Most oral cancers begin with flat cells covering the surface of the mouth, tongue, and lips. Anyone can develop metastatic oral cancer, but the risk is higher if you are a man, who smoke, drink too much, have HPV, or have a history of head and neck cancer. Frequent sun exposure is also a risk factor for lip cancer.
Possible signs and symptoms
One of the real dangers of this cancer is that it can be ignored in its early stages. It can be painless, and there are few obvious changes in the course of physical change. The good news, however, is that in many cases, your doctor or dentist can see or feel changes in prodrome tissue, or real cancer, while it’s still small or in its early stages. More about the stages of cancer, which can manifest as white or red tissue in the mouth, or a small sclerosing ulcer that looks like a normal ulcer. Because there are so many benign tissue changes that usually occur in the mouth, and some simple bites on your cheek might mimic a dangerous tissue change inside the mouth, it’s important to have any pain or discolored mouth that does not heal within 14 days, looking by the professional. Other symptoms include;A bump or bump, which can be felt in the mouth or neck, pain or difficulty in swallowing, speaking or chewing, any warty mass, persistent sounds, or numbness of the face or face.Persistent earache on one side can also be a warning sign.
Except that the lips are no longer the primary site, the most common site of anterior (anterior) oral cancer is on the floor of the tongue and mouth. People who use chewing tobacco are likely to develop in a groove between the lips or cheeks, while soft tissue (gum) covers the mandible (mandible), where the tobacco plug is repeatedly pinned. There are also a small number of cancers that are unique to the salivary glands and also very dangerous melanoma. While these tumors have a lower incidence than other metastatic oral cancers, they account for only a small fraction of the overall incidence. Cancer of the hard palate is uncommon in the United States, though not uncommon.The roots of the tongue at the back of the tongue, the oropharynx (the back of the throat) and the tonsil pillars, the tonsils and the tonsils themselves, are all more common now, especially among young nonsmokers.If your dentist or doctor thinks an area is suspicious, the only way to determine if it is dangerous is to biopsy the area.It’s not painful, it’s not expensive, and it takes very little time. Early diagnosis is important. Your dentist or doctor may ask you to go for a biopsy. This is not a cause for panic, but a normal statement between doctors of different specialties.
After the diagnosis, the cancer has begun and treatment may begin. The treatment of oral cancer is a multidisciplinary approach that includes surgeons, radiation oncologists, chemotherapy oncologists, dentists, nutritionists, rehabilitation and recovery specialists. The actual treatment is usually chemotherapy and concurrent radiation, sometimes combined with surgery. Although chemotherapy can kill cancer cells themselves, it has not been used as a monotherapy for oral cancer. It increases the likelihood of metastasis, makes malignant cells sensitive to radiation, reduces the size of any malignancy before surgery, or is a potent component of treatment for patients who have identified distant metastases.
More on the metastasis of cancer
It is likely to address other oral health needs before starting treatment. The aim is to reduce the possibility of postoperative complications. Can extract periodontal problems, dental caries and other bad prognosis teeth. This method of avoiding radiotherapy is important because it can sometimes induce osteonecrosis, a condition that develops when radiation-damaged tissue exposes the underlying bone and does not heal for a long time. As blood supplies dwindle, radiant bone loses its ability to effectively self-repair, which can create a chronic, hard-to-treat condition. Where possible, new operations or other dental procedures should be avoided, only by someone who works with your cancer treatment team if necessary, and is familiar with the unique needs of radiation patients.Thorough prevention or cleansing may also be carried out before starting treatment.
Whether a patient has surgery, radiation and surgery, or radiation, surgery and chemotherapy, depends on the stage of cancer’s development. Every individual. More on radiotherapy, surgery, chemotherapy and targeted therapy. Patients who treat cancer early may not be helpful for disfigurement after treatment. For those cancer patients who are found later, surgical removal of the result of the disease may require reconstruction of the oral or facial features. Adjuvant treatments may be needed to help with speech, chewing and swallowing, problems related to the lack of salivary function, and the manufacture of teeth or facial prostheses.