Natural Supplements for Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

Type 2 diabetes, formerly known as adult-onset diabetes, is becoming all the more common today in youngsters. It occurs when your body either repels or does not produce sufficient , resulting in blood sugar levels to become unbalanced.

There is no cure for type 2 diabetes. However, a proper diet and regular exercise can help one manage their blood glucose levels. There are also other kinds of type 2 diabetes treatment options. For instance, your doctor can prescribe medications that can help you manage your blood sugar levels, some of which include:

  • Meglitinides
  • Metformin (Glucophage, Glumetza, others)
  • therapy
  • Sulfonylureas

Physical activities, a healthy diet, and maintaining a healthy weight are the most crucial parts of an effective type 2 diabetes treatment. Nevertheless, your doctor can help you decide the best medications for you when lifestyle changes are not adequate enough to maintain healthy blood glucose levels.

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

Source: Thinkstock/ 5PH

Together with these treatments, individuals with type 2 diabetes also try numerous herbs and supplements to help improve their condition. These other treatments help in controlling blood glucose levels, reducing the body’s resistance to , and preventing diabetes-related complications.

Using Supplements for Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

It is always good to let the foods you consume provide you with sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. However, many people must use medicines and supplements in order to get them. According to the American Diabetes Association, people suffering from diabetes are more likely to use supplements compared to those without the condition.

That being said, supplements should not be an alternative to standard type 2 diabetes treatments because thinking they are can risk your health. It is very important that you talk to your doctor before using any supplements as some can, indeed, interfere with certain treatments and medications. Just because a product is natural doesn’t mean that it is safe to use!

With that in mind, here are some supplements that have shown promise as a type 2 diabetes treatment include:


Chinese medicine has been using cinnamon for medicinal purposes for hundreds of years. It has been the subject of much research to determine its effect on blood glucose levels. A 2011 study has shown that cinnamon, in whole form or extract, helps lower fasting blood glucose levels. More studies are being done, but cinnamon is showing promise as a type 2 diabetes treatment.

Source: Thinkstock/ sommail

Source: Thinkstock/ sommail


Chromium is an important trace element that has an active role in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Nonetheless, research on the use of chromium as a type 2 diabetes treatment has yielded mixed results. For most individuals, low doses seem to be harmless, but there is a chance that chromium could cause blood sugar levels to go too low. Contrastly, high doses can result in kidney damage.

Vitamin B-1

Also referred to as thiamine, some people with diabetes lack Vitamin B-1. As much as this deficiency may lead to diabetes complications, low thiamine can also lead to heart disease and damage to the blood vessels.

Although thiamine is soluble in water, ingesting it this way makes it difficult for it to get into the cells where it needs to be. However, benfotiamine is a supplemental form of thiamine that is soluble. Benfotiamine penetrates cell membranes easily, though some research suggests that it can inhibit diabetic complications. Other studies, however, have not yet shown any positive effects.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA)

This is a powerful antioxidant. Some studies have shown that it may:

  • Lower fasting blood sugar levels.
  • Decrease resistance.
  • Reduce oxidative stress.

We need additional research on these, but we do know that patients need to be cautious with ALA. Simply put, it can lower blood glucose levels to dangerous levels.

Bitter Melon

In countries of South America and Asia, bitter melon is used to treat conditions that are diabetes related. There is limited information about the effectiveness of bitter melons on humans. However, the studies currently available on the subject are of low quality.


Resveratrol is a chemical that is abundant in grapes, tea, and numerous other plants and fruits. The chemical may prevent high blood sugar and decreases oxidative stress, but it is still too early to know for certain whether it helps with diabetes in the long run.

Source: Thinkstock/ NatalyaTerr

Source: Thinkstock/ NatalyaTerr

Green Tea

Polyphenols are antioxidants found in green tea. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the main antioxidant present in green tea, and laboratory studies suggest EGCG may have many health benefits, including:

  • Better activity.
  • Lower cardiovascular disease risk.
  • Improved glucose control.
  • Prevention of type 2 diabetes.

Green tea is usually considered to be safe, but its actual benefits on patients as a form of type 2 diabetes treatment are not yet proven.


Magnesium is an important nutrient that helps in regulating blood pressure but it also controls sensitivity. Magnesium supplements can improve sensitivity in people who suffer from diabetes, making it a type 2 diabetes treatment option.

A diet that contains a high amount of magnesium may decrease the risk of developing diabetes. Researchers have found a link between higher magnesium intake and low rates of resistance in diabetics.

As you can see, there are several natural supplements that can manage diabetes. However, it is important that you always consult with your doctor before adding any supplements or vitamins to your diabetes plan.

Featured Image Source: Thinkstock/ Click_and_Photo

Posted on May 18, 2023