• Home Equity or a Reverse Mortgage?

    When mortgages first became popular back in the early 1900s, applying for a mortgage was a straightforward process. However, through the years, lending institutions have developed different types of mortgages to meet their customers’ needs. Some mortgages, like home equity loans and reverse mortgages, are used for the original...
  • Never Use your Home Equity Loan for These 5 Things

    In many of today’s households, money is tight. With decreasing median family incomes and increasing prices on consumer goods, some people struggle to support themselves financially. If you fall into this ever growing category of people, you may be considering taking out a home equity loan. Just don’t tap...
  • 5 Ways you Can Boost your Home Equity

    Are you looking to sell your home? Refinance? Just give your place a little spruce-up? Increasing your home’s value is important for a number of reasons. For example, higher home equity will allow you to borrow more money in the event that you apply for a home equity loan...
  • What’s the Difference Between Home Equity Loans and Home Equity Lines of Credit?

    Most homeowners will say that the two best things about being homeowners are being able to say they own their own homes and not having to put money in a landlord’s pocket. An even better advantage is the equity you build in your home through the years—equity that you...
  • Who are the Top Private Equity Companies?

    Private equity is already risky enough, but choosing one of the top firms can increase the chance of getting favorable returns. These top private equity firms have performed year after year, and they’re some of the best in the world. Blackstone Based out of New York, Blackstone capitalizes in...
  • The 4 Best Ways to Spend your Home Equity Loan

    For the past 30 minutes, you’ve been waiting in line to use your home’s only bathroom and all you can think about is how badly you want to add a second. You might be daydreaming about how nice it would be to sunbathe on the outdoor patio only to...
  • Finding the Lowest Rate for your Home Equity

    For the last 10 years or more, you’ve enjoyed living in your home. You may especially be proud of the equity you’ve gained on the home over time. However, because the house is becoming slightly dated, you’d like to complete some remodeling. We’re not saying we’d judge your paneling,...
  • How Does a Home Equity Loan Work?

    Are you a homeowner looking to free up some cash for a remodeling project? If so, you may be the perfect candidate for a home equity loan. Home equity loans are one of several benefits of being a homeowner. If you don’t know how they work, they seem like...
  • Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM): Explained

    Seniors that live in a house can get money by setting up a reverse mortgage through the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). The Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) allows those who are 62 or older access to their home’s equity as long as they’ve paid off the majority or all...