The MS Survival Kit

Being diagnosed with MS can be pretty hard to deal with. But with the right treatment, you can do very well. There are some other things that can be so crucial to you being able to thrive though, and here they are:

  • A Great Doctor 

A healthcare provider that you have true confidence in – in their ability to treat you most certainly, but in where their interests lie too. If they have your best interests at heart, you’re on to a winner.

  • The Right Treatment Plan

Having the right medication and treatment can make all the difference – you may have to play around with these to find your right fit, but whatever it is, you should be comfortable with it.

  • Patience

Completing a task that at one time in your life was quick and easy can become more and more difficult. Patience with yourself and patience from the people around you are very important.

  • Easy Clothes

Buttons zips, and belts can become a nightmare with finger dexterity so a pullover is one of the best investments you can make.

  • Exercise

As much as you possibly can, move your body. Stretch it out, walk as much as you can. It not only is good for your overall health but it’s great for your mental health too.

  • Ability to Accept Help

Your pride can be one of your greatest inhibitors when it comes to MS – and you need to learn to swallow it sometimes. Be thankful for the people who want to help you out, they are there for you.

Featured Image: DepositPhotos/ Zerbor

Posted on May 18, 2023