multiple sclerosis drugs

  • The MS Survival Kit

    Being diagnosed with MS can be pretty hard to deal with. But with the right treatment, you can do very well. There are some other things that can be so crucial to you being able to thrive though, and here they are: A Great Doctor  A healthcare provider that...
  • What is MS?

    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the brain, and the spinal cord. Most often diagnosed in young adults between the ages of 15 and 40, you can be diagnosed at any age. The disease attacks myelin which is the protective covering of the nerves. When myelin is...
  • The Early Symptoms of MS

    Most people with multiple sclerosis experience their first symptoms between the ages of 15 and 40. These would usually go away for a time, but eventually come back. Some symptoms might linger for a time.  If you feel like you are experiencing symptoms then you should talk to your doctor....
  • MS and your Diet

    While there is no specific diet that is good for your multiple sclerosis symptoms, there are certain nutrients that are thought to ease symptoms. Doctors tend to recommend you try to follow a low-fat, high-fiber diet – not far off what most people would hope to attain. A variety...
  • Diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis

    Diagnosing multiple sclerosis can be a challenge for doctors. There isn’t any one test that can give a definitive answer as to whether someone has MS or not, and there are many other conditions that have similar symptoms which can make it even harder to get a diagnosis. Most...
  • MS Treatments

    There is currently no cure for multiple sclerosis but there are several drugs and treatments that can slow its progress. These drugs are called disease-modifying and include: (teriflumonide) ( beta-1a) ( beta-1b) ( ) () Novantrone () Plegridy (peg beta-1a) Rebif ( beta-1a) Tecfidera ( ) Tysabri (natalizumab) These...