To buy points or not to buy points? If you plan on having your loan for a while then you want to put more money down, buy some points, and get a lower interest rate. Even if you don’t know how long you’re going to have your loan due...
You’re applying for a mortgage and you feel overwhelmed by the acronyms, numbers, and terminology. You don’t know where you should start. Well, you’re not alone. The majority of people are almost completely in the dark when it comes to the finer points of their mortgage agreements and don’t...
Fixed-rate mortgages are the most widely used form of home mortgage loans. It is a basic arrangement in which the lender calculates the principal amount, using a single interest rate, and then divides the sum equally over an agreed period of years. The most popular terms are 30-year and...
Those who are looking to purchase a home may have come across the term FHA loan and not know what it is. The acronym FHA stands for Federal Housing Administration. The loan is actually not a loan. It is government-backed insurance for the lender of a home loan. It...
The National Foundation for Credit Counseling recently held a survey that shows people are less likely to be embarrassed by their weight (12%) than by their credit scores (30%). And just like with dieting, a focus on improving your credit score (the health of your credit), can give you...