alcohol rehab

  • Delirium Tremens and Alcoholism

    Although most habit-forming drugs result in addiction, and therefore withdrawal symptoms, of all these chemicals only two can be deadly upon the cessation of the substance: benzodiazepines and alcohol. Delirium tremens (DTs) refers specifically to the severe symptoms that occur as a result of withdrawal from alcohol. Here’s a...
  • Symptoms Of Alcoholism

    Alcohol Abuse Information Alcohol has long been known as the thief of the mind. Its abuse is one of the worst problems of the 21st century. Although alcohol had already been known in Biblical times (check many references to it both in the Old and New Testaments), it has...
  • Treatments for Alcoholism Including Alcohol Rehab

    Alcoholism is a chronic disease that results from an addiction to alcohol. This disease is characterized by symptoms such as uncontrollably drinking, continuing to drink alcohol even when it causes financial or relationship problems, physical dependence to the substance, and experiencing withdrawal symptoms when drinking is slowed or stopped. People who...
  • Causes Of Alcoholism

    Information Alcohol, or an alcoholic beverage, is a beverage that contains ethanol. These beverages are classified into three groups: beers, wines and spirits. While alcoholic beverages are usually part of social events in many cultures, the neurological effect of alcohol causes governments to regulate the production, sale and consumption...
  • Drinking During Pregnancy

    Drinking During Your Pregnancy? Drinking alcohol while pregnant is a risk that may cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) to develop in the unborn child. There is no guarantee that FAS will happen, but it can. The symptoms of FAS can be assessed not only at birth but also at...
  • Alcohol Rehab Centers

    Dealing with alcoholism or an addiction to prescription medications or illicit street drugs is never simple, regardless of the severity of your addiction. If you have become addicted to using any substance or if you have a friend or a loved one in your life you want to help,...